5 Tips For Your Fleet When Driving At Dusk And Dawn
Dusk and dawn present unique challenges for drivers. Reduced visibility due to changing light conditions can significantly increase the risk of accidents. Here are 5 tips to keep your fleet safe on the road during these times:
Light Up Your Fleet: Ensure all headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals are functioning properly and clean. Don't wait for complete darkness – turn on headlights at dusk and keep them on until dawn. Avoid using high beams unless absolutely necessary, as they can blind oncoming traffic.
See Clearly, Drive Safely: Adjust your dashboard lights to a lower brightness. A bright dashboard can make it difficult to see the road ahead, especially during periods of changing light. Find a balance that allows you to see gauges clearly without compromising your vision on the road.
Slow Down and Stay Alert: Reduced visibility demands extra caution. Instruct drivers to adjust their speed to account for changing light conditions. Increase following distance to allow more reaction time for unexpected hazards. Be mindful of fatigue, which can be more pronounced during these transitional periods. If possible, plan routes to avoid dawn and dusk driving whenever feasible.
Watch Out for What Hides in the Shadows: Animals and pedestrians are more difficult to spot during low-light conditions. Instruct drivers to be extra vigilant, especially near crosswalks and areas with higher animal activity.
Minimize Distractions: Driving at dusk and dawn requires full focus. Remind drivers to avoid distractions like phones, radios, or eating while behind the wheel. Keep their eyes on the road and their minds on safe driving practices.
By implementing these tips and promoting a culture of safety awareness, you can significantly reduce the risks associated with dusk and dawn driving for your fleet.